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Disability, Accessibility, and Accommodations
ADA/Section 504 Compliance
UMass Boston is committed to equal and integrated inclusion of individuals with disabilities and is continually improving the accessibility of our campus, programs, and activities. The University's ADA/504 Coordinator is Andrea Haas. The ADA Coordinator can answer questions related to campus access for individuals with disabilities, provide consultation on policy reviews and facilities planning, advise on inclusive best practices, and respond to inquiries related to our campus compliance efforts.
Barrier Reporting
If you have noticed a potential disability related barrier, let us know how we can help by completing the Accessibility Barrier Reporting Form.
Grievance Procedure
Students, employees or other community members who believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of their disability may file a complaint with The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. Complaints should be submitted via the online complaint form. Individuals who are unable to file a complaint by these methods or require assistance may email Associate Vice Chancellor for Civil Rights and Title IX Anne-Valerie Imparato at annevalerie.imparato@cesametal.net, or call (617) 287-7391. Complaints will be adjudicated pursuant to the Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the Procedures and Process for Complaints Alleging Unlawful Discrimination.
Campus Building and Pathway Accessibility
We are committed to removing barriers that prohibit access to buildings and programs. All public buildings on our harbor campus have stair free accessible entrances, public elevator service, and can be accessed via an accessible path of travel. All campus operated shuttles can lower their entrance door height, or kneel, to ease access for community members and have operable wheelchair lifts.
Physical Access Updates
Get updates on ongoing campus construction and facility alerts, such as elevator outages or footpath restrictions by viewing our Facilities website.
Digital Accessibility
UMass Boston is committed to digital accessibility throughout its websites, learning management system, course content, and other programs and services. Through trainings and consultation, the website services team provides resources for creating accessible content, including website content and email communications. Learning Design provides faculty training and consultations to ensure that all students have equal access to coursework. In addition, our IT Accessibility Coordinator can provide assistance with integrating assistive technology into your University life. Contact the IT Accessibility Coordinator via the IT helpdesk.
Effective Communication
If you need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (such as a sign language interpreter, an assistive listening device or print material in digital format) or reasonable modification to programs, services or activities contact the program or event organizer prior to the event. The ADA Coordinator can assist in identifying the event organizer as needed.
Campus Safety Planning
The Office of Emergency Management and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety can be contacted to learn more about our policies and practices in such areas as campus evacuation plans, personal safety plans, fire safety, and the campus closure policy.
Office of Civil Rights & Title IX
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Quinn Administration Building, 3rd Floor
Office Phone: 617.287.7391
Email: CivilRights.TitleIX@cesametal.net